Favorites: Homesteading

I am a first generation homesteader. Like many people of my generation, I was raised in a subdivision and my family ate convenience food. No one taught me about gardening, animal husbandry, or food preservation. Luckily, there are many awesome resources for people to learn these things thanks to the lovely folks who shared their experiences with us in books. I am going to share some of my favorite learning resources and also some of my favorite tools/equipment. After offering suggestions to people for years, and always feeling like I had left out an important resource I wished I would have shared, I decided it was time to put all of these things in one place. I am a part of the Amazon Associates affiliate program, so if you click through any of these links and make a purchase, I will get a small commision, but the price of the item stays the exact same to you. I hope you find something here that will be helpful on your journey!

Growing Food:



Food Preparation and Preservation:

Chicken Stuff:

Other Good Stuff:

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