Everything I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started Homeschooling

When I first began homeschooling I would search for curriculum relentlessly, believing that if I found the perfect one it would make my children super geniuses who would be racing to the table every morning to do their schoolwork. I also believed that as my child’s teacher, I needed to already have all of the knowledge and information I ever wanted them to have. What I have learned after six years is that Continue reading “Everything I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started Homeschooling”

Holiday Salt Dough Ornaments

Do you remember making salt dough ornaments when you were young? I do. This was the first year I tried it with my daughters. I was so glad I did! My girls range in age from 9 down to 1 1/2 and they all had a great time and stayed occupied for hours. The littlest one got put in her high chair and we just kept giving her little pieces of dough and tiny little cookie cutters and she was happy as a clam. She was done before the rest of them, probably lasting only about 35 minutes or so. I timed it so that we started during her nap, so by the time she had napped and played with the salt dough for a while it was time to get it cleaned up anyway. I found the recipe Continue reading “Holiday Salt Dough Ornaments”

Miss Hickory

We stumbled across this book at the library on the shelves with the Newberry Award winners. Miss Hickory received this honor in 1947. As we all know, when reading older books, there can be parts that feel harsh or have a humor that does not quite hit the mark today. That being said, my 5 and 8 year old daughters enjoyed this book very much. I also enjoyed it.

Continue reading “Miss Hickory”

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