Zero Waste Easter

Ah Easter. Holiday of plastic eggs and plastic grass and cheap plastic little toys that will get thrown away secretly by you when your child tires of them in a month or two. As a parent, I have always looked forward to celebrating holidays with my children, but I have also struggled with guilt over all the material I was putting in the garbage after the holiday. I decided to make some changes so that I could still give them Continue reading “Zero Waste Easter”

Planting a Wildflower Garden

Why Would I Want a Wildflower Garden?

A wildflower garden or meadow is an easy and low maintenance way to add beauty to an outdoor space. Some people are switching to the wildflower meadow in their backyards instead of a lawn, and these easy to grow flowers are also perfect for edges of property, ditches, or along a driveway. These flowers are pretty to look at and they are an important  food source for butterflies, bees, birds, and other pollinators. There has been a dramatic decline in pollinator numbers in recent decades, providing a poison free food source for them is one way to Continue reading “Planting a Wildflower Garden”

What Is Permaculture?

Permaculture is a way of approaching design in which we seek to work in cooperation with the given environment rather than against it. It is most commonly used to describe a form of agriculture, but the 12 principles it is based on can really be applied to any type of design. Yes, I said principles. As far as I know, permaculture is the only type of gardening that has a set of ethics. This philosophy was created by Continue reading “What Is Permaculture?”

Why Every Family Should Have A Farmer

Every Family Should Have A Farmer

Let me explain. I think it would be great if we could all just quit our jobs and grow food and focus on the simple things in life. However, I know that many people have no desire to grow food on their own and would much prefer that the food is grown by other people. There are, in fact, entire families in which not one person is interested in growing food. That is ok with me! I believe we all have our own giftings which we can use to bless others, and not everyone is a gardener. I can’t play the violin, I am not an engineer, and I cannot paint a beautiful landscape. I am so happy there are others that have the skill and passion to do a variety of things well. The world is such a rich place because of the differences between us.

Continue reading “Why Every Family Should Have A Farmer”

Why You Should Quit The Gym And Choose Lifercise

Quit the Gym and LIfercise

What is Lifercise? It is a word I made up. At least I think I made it up. A Google search showed no direct hits. So allow me to define this new word for you:

life-er-cise (lyfercize) noun.  The practice of taking opportunities that arise in your daily life to get exercise. Example:

“Jim wanted to take the elevator but I told him we should get some lifercise so we took the stairs.”

Continue reading “Why You Should Quit The Gym And Choose Lifercise”

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