Gain resilience, reduce reliance on external inputs, and most likely become happier and healthier along the way!

In 10 modules over 10 weeks we will cover topics like:
- Growing and preserving food
- Foraging and using local plants
- The 12 principles of permaculture
- Raising livestock (specifically sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, rabbits, and cows)
- Home economies
- Making, using, and maintaining a sourdough starter
- Children on the homestead and home education
…And much more! Register now
The course will run from February 20 – April 26 with three different day/time options:
Tuesdays from 6 -7:30pm CST Register Now
Fridays from 6 – 7:30am CST Register Now
Fridays from 2 – 3:30pm CST Register Now
The class will meet at the above times via Zoom and there will also be an optional meeting on Saturday from 10:30 -11:00am CST to ask questions and get support from myself and classmates with the various projects we will be working on throughout the course. There will also be a Discord chat available that I plan to be active in. Live Zoom lectures and discussions will be recorded and available for later repeat viewing or for those who are unable to attend the live sessions.

Course description week by week:
Week 1
Localism, household economies, and resilience.
Week 2
Permaculture: The 12 principles defined. Applying them to the garden and other areas of life.
Week 3
Growing food without chemicals. Will also discuss sourcing food and ways to gain access to land.
Week 4
Wild native foods/medicines: finding, using, and propagating (this will also cover the basics of making tinctures, infused oils, and salves)
Week 5
Preserving (fermentation, dehydrating, pressure and water bath canning, curing, and more) and intuitive cooking. You will learn what to do with the abundance of food you grow and forage!
Week 6
Sourdough: the history and how to make, use, and preserve your own sourdough culture.
Week 7
Raising livestock regeneratively: poultry, pigs, and rabbits
Week 8
Ruminants (sheep, goats, cows)
Week 9
Kidsteading: Incorporating children on the farm and homestead. Getting it all done while raising capable entrepreneurs.
Week 10
Q and A, discuss projects, wrap up.
Register now to hold your spot!