Why I Stopped Ordering Drinks At Restaurants

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When I was younger I never went out to eat without ordering a drink. It would not have seemed like a true restaurant experience without ordering a beverage, and by beverage I mean something, anything, besides water. I was also a big soda drinker when I was younger. In fact, I remember distinctly having a conversation with a friend that went like this:

Friend: You should really drink more water.

Me: I drink plenty of water.

Friend: I, literally, have never seen you drink water.

Me: (Indignantly)That’s not true!

Friend: You always drink Coke.

Me: Coke has water in it. It’s like, the first ingredient.

I was totally serious. I thought the amount of water Coke had in it was suitable for my daily H20 requirements. If I wanted to be really “healthy” I might drink some juice. I didn’t really like drinking water, it made  my stomach feel all sloshy. I am totally face palming myself at my younger self right now. I realized the importance of water in my early twenties and I have been much better off because of it. When I got pregnant with my first daughter I pretty much stopped drinking soda because I had read somewhere that caffeine wasn’t great for babies in utero, this continued  after her birth because I was nursing. And that continued for the next 9 years because I was always pregnant or nursing. So I stopped ordering anything besides water at restaurants. Looking back on it I am so glad I made this switch. Here is why:

Healthier                                                                                                                                                            Yes, drinking water is good for you! This we know. What is often underplayed is just how bad all the other drinks can be. People talk about how sugary these drinks are. Actually, in most cases, the drinks are filled with corn syrup. I avoid corn syrup. All conventional corn is heavily sprayed with chemicals. So that means that the soda you drink isn’t just full of sugar, its most likely full of chemicals too. Yum. But just avoiding the sugary drinks will have health benefits like reduced risk of diabetes and weight loss. Also, if you have children, they will want to drink what you drink. This will either turn into sharing your drinks with them, getting them their own sugary beverage, or a back and forth with a whiney child. I don’t know about you, but when my children drink anything besides water with their meals all of the sudden they go from starving to picky and not hungry. So we stick with water. it is just easier for us. When I go out without my children I will still occasionally order some kind of tasty beverage, because I am a grown up and I can do what I want.

Cheaper                                                                                                                                           When it was just me and drinks were still under two dollars it didn’t seem like a lot to spend. We now have a family of 6 and a soft drink at a restaurant is between $2.00 and $2.50. (This could be up to $6.00 per drink if you go to places that are super cool and have choices like elder flower rose sparkling green tea. Yes, this is a real drink and it is delicious.) If everyone orders a beverage at a restaurant that is 12-15$ on beverages, on the low end. This does not include hipster drinks or milkshakes. If you do that once a week that is $624-$780 per year on beverages. Over the course of the 20 or 25 years I will spend raising children, and them all being on my dinner tab, that will add up to A LOT of money. I was listening to the Millionaire Next Door recently and they made an example about a couple who smoked. They said if that couple had taken the money they spent on cigarettes each week and invested it into stock in the company that manufactured the cigarettes that within 30 years they would have become millionaires. It blew my mind a little bit. So maybe you think that under a thousand dollars a year isn’t much, but what if it was well invested? That could be life changing.

Greener                                                                                                                                                                           This is kind of a big one. In USA Today it was reported that Americans use an estimated 175 billion drinking straws per year.  OK…so that seems pretty irresponsible right? Not to mention the single use cups made out of paper, plastic and styrofoam (Styrofoam??!! Really? I seriously thought that was going to be banned back in the 80’s). It’s just bad. It is one of those things that makes me feel embarrassed. Single use items have become so pervasive. But I know that future generations will look back on us with heavy judgement. so how do we stop the madness? One way is just by not ordering drinks when you eat out. Bring your own water bottles if you pick up fast food, and if you eat  at a restaurant then get water in a reusable cup. If there is not a reusable cup option bring your own bottle. We won’t even talk about plastic water bottles because I know you are already not using those. Get yourself a reusable water bottle if you don’t already have one. I like these glass ones  and my children like these Thermos brand bottles. Also if you just can’t leave straws behind try these or these. Here is another reason drinking water is greener: remember how I mentioned all the chemicals sprayed on corn and that corn syrup is in almost all sweetened beverages? Guess what? If people quit drinking beverages made with corn syrup because it is toxic, the beverage manufacturers will stop making it. It really is that simple. They want your money! They will sell poisonous things if people buy them. They will also, as evidenced by major shifts by large food companies in recent years, create healthier options if that is what people will buy. Also, one more thought regarding your money. Restaurants make a lot selling beverages, especially some that pretty much only sell beverages. I believe we are entering into an age of accountability. If businesses want to sell us beverages then perhaps they could figure out a more sustainable way to do this.

What are your thoughts? Do you order drinks out? I would love to hear from you!


2 Replies to “Why I Stopped Ordering Drinks At Restaurants”

  1. So much money! For me it’s a carryover from growing up with a budget conscious papa. Our family just always gets water plain and simple.

    Our bodies need water.

    Glass of water is free.

    Makes sense (& dollars) to me!

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