When I first began homeschooling I would search for curriculum relentlessly, believing that if I found the perfect one it would make my children super geniuses who would be racing to the table every morning to do their schoolwork. I also believed that as my child’s teacher, I needed to already have all of the knowledge and information I ever wanted them to have. What I have learned after six years is that Continue reading “Everything I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started Homeschooling”
Everything You Need to Know About Quail
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Quail can be a great choice for people who would like to keep poultry, but do not have a huge amount of space. They are also quieter than chickens (though they do have their sounds and are not silent by any means) if noise is a concern. Read on to learn more about these birds so you can decide if they are right for you! Continue reading “Everything You Need to Know About Quail”
Zero Waste Easter

Ah Easter. Holiday of plastic eggs and plastic grass and cheap plastic little toys that will get thrown away secretly by you when your child tires of them in a month or two. As a parent, I have always looked forward to celebrating holidays with my children, but I have also struggled with guilt over all the material I was putting in the garbage after the holiday. I decided to make some changes so that I could still give them Continue reading “Zero Waste Easter”
Companion Planting: Tomatoes

Did you know that certain plants actually get along better with each other than others? Some plants support each others growth, while others are best Continue reading “Companion Planting: Tomatoes”
Growing Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a healthy and filling food, not to mention versatile and easy to prepare. We eat them several times a week in our home. They are a low maintenance crop to grow, but they do require Continue reading “Growing Sweet Potatoes”
Seed Bomb Valentines
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Seed bombs are a fun any time gift, but when my daughters and I were trying to come up with an eco-friendly Valentine, they seemed like a perfect choice. This time of year, when the novelty of Winter is over, it is fun to dream of warm weather and Spring. Nothing says Spring like Continue reading “Seed Bomb Valentines”
Planting a Wildflower Garden

Why Would I Want a Wildflower Garden?
A wildflower garden or meadow is an easy and low maintenance way to add beauty to an outdoor space. Some people are switching to the wildflower meadow in their backyards instead of a lawn, and these easy to grow flowers are also perfect for edges of property, ditches, or along a driveway. These flowers are pretty to look at and they are an important food source for butterflies, bees, birds, and other pollinators. There has been a dramatic decline in pollinator numbers in recent decades, providing a poison free food source for them is one way to Continue reading “Planting a Wildflower Garden”
Food For Mood

It is estimated that 1 in 6 Americans (this includes children) have a diagnosed mental illness or behavioral problem. New information connecting mental health to diet is surfacing all the time. There are many scientifically researched ways food impacts mood: Continue reading “Food For Mood”
Fermented Pickles

Fermentation is an ancient food preparation/preservation method. Over the last few generations it has become a mostly unused tool in the modern western kitchen, due to the advent of refrigeration and pressure canning. It is having a resurgence in popularity as people realize Continue reading “Fermented Pickles”
Chemical Free Pest Control In The Edible Garden

I have been growing food for 10 years now and I have yet to use any chemical pesticides or fertilizers. Read on for tips on how to grow beautiful chemical free produce Continue reading “Chemical Free Pest Control In The Edible Garden”