Holiday Salt Dough Ornaments

Do you remember making salt dough ornaments when you were young? I do. This was the first year I tried it with my daughters. I was so glad I did! My girls range in age from 9 down to 1 1/2 and they all had a great time and stayed occupied for hours. The littlest one got put in her high chair and we just kept giving her little pieces of dough and tiny little cookie cutters and she was happy as a clam. She was done before the rest of them, probably lasting only about 35 minutes or so. I timed it so that we started during her nap, so by the time she had napped and played with the salt dough for a while it was time to get it cleaned up anyway. I found the recipe Continue reading “Holiday Salt Dough Ornaments”

Gifts For Homesteaders

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Homesteaders may not be the easiest bunch to shop for. The ones I know generally have less of a penchant for “stuff”. Homesteaders are typically practical people who do not feel the need to conform, so whatever the must have item of right now is, it is probably not a great fit. Here are some gift ideas for the homesteader in your life, or even those who dream of a homestead.  I wrote a post a while back about some of the best books for homesteaders, these books are focused on those who are beggining their journey. If you are looking for sustainable gift giving ideas, you can find some great ones by clicking here. In this article you will find Continue reading “Gifts For Homesteaders”

A Fruit Tree Is A Good Idea. A Fruit Tree Guild Is An Even Better One.

Fall and Spring are both great times of year to plant fruit trees. Fall is my favorite time because a trees energy is directed toward root development in the Fall and towards vegetative growth in the Spring. So planting in Fall will allow a tree to get settled in and develop some root structure, giving it a better foundation for all the leaf, trunk, and branch growth that come in the Spring.

But instead of planting simply a fruit tree or two, why not plant a guild?

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Make Your Own Anti-Itch Medicine For Bug Bites

Make Your Own Anti-Itch Medicine

Warmer temperatures mean more time outside and if you live somewhere with lots of bugs, like I do, that will also mean more opportunities for you to become a meal for the many bitey bugs out in nature.

In my region insect bites are a problem from April until October and even when we are consciously trying to avoid mosquitos, ticks, and chiggers, they are a problem. We live in the country and my children spend a majority of their time outside. I have been using this formula to help relieve their itchiness from bug bites for years. It really works! Before we started using it they would scratch their bites raw and the itching would even keep them up at night sometimes. Now they ask for the “Itchy Medicine” and all is well. We have also used it many times for relief from bee and wasp stings and it has worked wonderfully. We have even noticed that the bites and stings seem to heal faster and that the usual accompanying swelling or welt like inflammation that is sometimes common is much reduced or completely alleviated when using this formula.

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How To Start Raising Laying Hens – It’s Easy! And the Benefits Are Awesome.

Having a few chickens in your backyard can be a great first step to creating a healthier lifestyle. Homegrown eggs laid by chickens who are free to eat insects, plants, and kitchen scraps (and supplemented with a non gmo feed when and if necessary) are so much better for you and your family than 90% of the eggs available at the store. Eggs of that quality will also cost you between 6 and 7 dollars a dozen, so there is much money to be saved by producing your own eggs.

Continue reading “How To Start Raising Laying Hens – It’s Easy! And the Benefits Are Awesome.”

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