Why I Only Eat Pastured Eggs

Only Eat Pastured Eggs

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These days when a person is perusing the egg section at the grocery store there are so many choices. There are regular eggs, simply labeled grade A. Those are the worst. These birds are kept in the tightest quarters possible and fed the lowest quality food. There are Organic eggs. That sounds pretty good right? We live in a time when people are becoming more concerned about animal welfare. An organic egg seems like a better option to many, surely a hen that lays an organic egg had a better life? Continue reading “Why I Only Eat Pastured Eggs”

Why I Stopped Ordering Drinks At Restaurants

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When I was younger I never went out to eat without ordering a drink. It would not have seemed like a true restaurant experience without ordering a beverage, and by beverage I mean something, anything, besides water. I was also a big soda drinker when I was younger. In fact, I remember distinctly having a conversation with a friend that went like this:

Friend: You should really drink more water.

Me: I drink plenty of water.

Friend: I, literally, have never seen you drink water.

Me: (Indignantly)That’s not true!

Friend: You always drink Coke.

Me: Coke has water in it. It’s like, the first ingredient.

I was totally serious. I thought the amount of water Coke had in it was suitable for my daily H20 requirements. If I wanted to be really “healthy” I might drink some juice. I didn’t really like drinking water, it made  my stomach feel all sloshy. I am totally face palming myself at my younger self right now. I realized the importance of water in my early twenties and I have been much better off because of it. When I got pregnant with my first daughter I pretty much stopped drinking soda because I had read somewhere that caffeine wasn’t great for babies in utero, this continued  after her birth because Continue reading “Why I Stopped Ordering Drinks At Restaurants”

Why I Only Feed My Family Organic Peanuts and Peanut Butter

Eat Organic Peanuts

My family loves most kinds of nuts, including peanuts, and peanut butter is a versatile, low cost and  high protein food. However it is also one of the most pesticide contaminated food that Americans eat. The reason for this is because peanuts are commonly rotated with cotton crops. Cotton crops deplete soils of nutrients and nitrogen rich legumes, like peanuts, help to build up the soil. So what is the problem? Cotton is considered to be one of the dirtiest crops in the world due to the incredibly high amount of pesticide use. Cotton is also not a food crop so the kinds of chemicals sprayed on cotton are not ones that would typically be used in edible agriculture (although those chemicals are also awful). Peanuts are then grown Continue reading “Why I Only Feed My Family Organic Peanuts and Peanut Butter”

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